Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chick Brooding

Chick brooding

Chick brooding is done in day-old chicks to its 14 days old. Brooding is the management in chicks to give heat. Brooding was so important in chicks it is their resistance due to cold temperature. Chicks should have their required temperature especially during that age. Because according to Flavio Henrique, a broiler specialist in South America the first 14 days of the chicken’s  life – is the most sensitive period because the bird is changing from an immature thermo regulation system to a mature one.
Litter temperature is the most important because day-old chicks are extremely dependent on floor contact to help regulate the changing temperatures. The ratio of body surface to body mass is large in the day-old chick and it decreases with age, so the young chick will therefore lose heat faster than an adult bird.
Ventilation distributes heat throughout the house and maintains good air quality in the brooding area. An ideal for birds is oxygen 19.5%, carbon dioxide less than 3000ppm, carbon monoxide and ammonia (NH3) less than 10ppm and dust levels less than 3.4mg/m³.
In water and feeding management water and feeds are given in ad libitum basis until it reach its 30 days. At that age they should be given by your chosen feeds for the development of its body for its rapid growth and muscle development.
Breeders should brood their chicks in the right way for them to grow a good quality cocks or pullets. Better management the better the production. 
The idea with in this this blog are from the article of Flavio Henrique.

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