Saturday, March 8, 2014

Diseases of Coffee and their Controls

Diseases of Coffee and their
-the most prevalent and destructive disease of coffee not only in the Philippines but also in most coffee areas in the Eastern Hemisphere especially in Asia, Africa, the Near East, India and Pacific Islands. It is also called oriental leaf disease and caused by Hemileia vastatrix B and Br. The outbreak of this disease in 1891 almost wiped out the flourishing coffee industry in the Philippines.
its symptoms are small, yellowish spots appear on lower surface of leaves (3-10 mm in diameter) from a few to as many as 50 spots may be found on each leaf
--thorough screening and quarantining of imported of introduced varieties, selection of suitable resistant varieties or strains, good cultivation and proper fertilization. Before any symptom of the disease is observed, spray at 15-20 day intervals esp. before and during the rainy season at the rate of 1-1 and ½ kilos of Vitigram Blue per 100 gal of water.
This is caused by fungus Cercospora coffeicola Br. and Cke.
The fungus causes small spots on the leaf, usually with reddish brown margins and eventually turning gray in the center.  The fungus also causes mummification of infected coffee berries. When the leaves are severely infected, they turn yellow, then brown, and finally fall, leaving only a few of the young leaves on a long bare stem.
-- a particular way of reducing the occurrence of the disease is to develop a canopy of shade over the plantation. Proper attention to soil protection and maintaining adequate moisture content seen to have good effects. Even before any symptom of the disease is noticed, spray every 15-20 days before and during the rainy season at the rate of 1-1 and ½ kg. Vitigram blue per 100 gal of water.
This is caused by a fungus Corticum samonicolor B and Br, infection is first noticed by the cracking of the trunk and lower branches of the tree. The fungus within the bark gradually spreads and penetrates into the living tissues immediately under the bark.
This is characterized by drying of the branches and twigs from top and downwards. Appearance of spots with concentric lines on both surfaces of seedlings twigs and berries. If severe affected, leaves fall, twigs and branches dry.
--maintain vigor of trees by fertilizing with the right kind and amount of nutrients of proper time, regulate plant growth to prevent overbearing by pruning and or shade.
Reference : *

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