Saturday, March 8, 2014

Some Information and Knowledge about Coffee

COFFEE- is the crops also produced here in the Philippines. It is one of the well known products because of its different taste and aroma. It is the number one tea that our countrymen want to drink especially in the morning. Here I have some ideas of coffee, its scientific information and its different varieties.

Coffea is the botanical generic name for coffee. The genus coffea belongs to and is the most important genus of the family Rubiaceae. The genus includes a large number of species that are both cultivated and growing wild.

Common Varieties of Coffee in the Philippines

*         Coffea Arabica – waxy leaf margin, light green leaf color, thin leaves, pulp and parchment, and known as “Kapeng Tagalog”.

*         Coffea robusta - Characterized by large umbrella shaped growth with thinner leaves which have more waxy margins and known by its local name as “Kapeng Robusta”. The leaves are thinner and have more waxy margins than excelsa coffee.

*         Coffea liberica –  “Kapeng Barako” or “Kapeng Amerikano”  It is rounded and borne singly or in a small clusters, has thicker leaves than Excelsa and twice as long as Arabica. The pulp is thick and the parchment is woody. Liberica also characterized a very strong pharmocopial taste and flavor.

*         Coffea excelsa - wide leaves w/ smooth edge that are thicker than Robusta but thinner, smoother and more rounded than Liberica, locally known as “Kapeng Excelsa, berries are borne in heavy cluster, varying in size and usually bigger than Arabica but smaller than Liberica. 
Reference; *

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