Saturday, March 15, 2014


Epifania S. de la Cruz
Nutrition plays a very important role in the health and fitness of an individual. To be healthy, we should watch our diet and lifestyle.
Do you know that food also plays a vital role in the moods, feelings, and activities of an individual ? Insomnia is one of the cause of wrong food intake and wrong lifestyle.
Insomnia is a condition where we cannot have regular sleeping pattern. It is disorder.
Here are some tips to enjoy our sleeping habits. We should watch our liquid intake. We should take 2-5 glasses of milk every day. Liquids we should avoid are soft drinks, hard drinks, chocolate. Shun cigarettes, and fatty foods.
Eat fibrous foods, green and leafy vegetables to have good digestion, and to avoid constipation. In some instances, hotness or coldness of temperature affects certain people in their sleeping pattern or sleeping habits.
Some recommendations to have a good night sleep are to take a glass of red wine to induce your sleep. Others prefer good soft music. Others take the option like massage therapy to have good blood circulation, so as to avoid headaches and body pains.
There are also cases that lessening weight or reducing weight causes insomnia, causes insomnia, because of crash diets and eating disorders. Avoid too much anxiety, stress, and tension.

                Have recreation and relaxation, or body spa to relax your muscles. Insomnia is curable if only we have steady eating habits, lifestyle, and everyday activities.

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